Burley And Woodhead Church of England Primary School

  1. About Us
  2. Our Governing Board

Our Governing Board

"Well supported and led, with good organisational processes, this is an effective Governing Body." 2022 External Review of Governance

Our governing body is responsible for:

  • Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management and wellbeing of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.
  • Ensuring adherence to the school’s aims and objective to develop a Church of England school that everyone can be proud of, which promotes a strong social, moral, spiritual and academic ethos.

You can contact your the governing body in the following ways:

Please write to:

The Chair and/or Clerk of Governors

Burley and Woodhead CE Primary School 

Sandholme Drive

Burley in Wharfedale

LS29 7RQ


Please email:

The Clerk of Governors:


The Chair of Governors:


You can also pass your comments on to the parent governor representatives:


The Governing Body is comprised of the Head,  three Foundation governors (appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education for the Diocese of Leeds), four Parent governors, three Co-opted governors, one Local Authority Governor and one Staff Governor.   Members of the Governing Body have active roles and  responsibilities for different aspects of school life,  working alongside the Senior Leadership Team.  The Board delegates certain roles to its finance committee, its pay review committee and the head teacher performance review committee.  Board members are also represented on the Burley Woodhead English Hub oversight board.

The Governing Body is also  responsible for the School's policies

Our Governing Body and their roles

Mr Tristan Wade

Chair of the Board

Parent Governor

Finance Committee Chair

Head Teacher Performance Management

Mrs Alison Ward 

Vice Chair of the Board

Parent Governor

Pupil Premium

Rev Phil Bishop

Ex- Officio Foundation

Mrs Mary Brooks

Foundation Governor

SEND Governor

Mrs Victoria Lister

Co-Opted Governor

Finance Committee


Mrs Emma Woodhall

Parent Governor

Safeguarding Governor


Mr Ade Hyde-Douglas

Co-opted Governor (HR)


Mr Mark Selby

Foundation Governor

Finance Committee

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Carbon Net Zero


Mr Chris Tindall

Co-opted Governor

Health and Safety

Mr Andrew Wilkinson

Staff Governor

Mr Patrick Dalzell

Local Authority Governor


Mr Gary Coulter

Parent Governor

Mrs Nina Dobson

Head Teacher

Finance Committee