Burley And Woodhead Church of England Primary School

  1. Information
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform


Our children wear smart, comfortable, practical clothes in school. Uniform with our school logo is available as follows:

Online: www.school-shop.co.uk

In person: Wharfedale Uniforms, 2 Cow Pasture Road, Ilkley, LS29 8SR. You will also be able to order online at www.wharfedaleuniforms.com  when our online shop is set up. 

PE Hoodies, embroidered with the school logo and your child's name or initials are also available to order from Wharfedale Uniform.

It is not compulsory to wear uniform branded with the school logo.

High street options, from stores such as Asda, M&S, Amazon etc..  offer a cost effective way to buy uniform. 

Please note:

  • no jewellery should be worn (small studs are acceptable for pierced ears)
  • hair bands/clips/ribbons etc. should be kept to a minimum and be in the school or neutral colours
  • all items of clothing must be clearly marked with the owner’s name
  • long hair should be tied back
  • school cannot accept responsibility for any item of personal property
  • smart watches are not allowed
  • in summer open toed sandals are not allowed

The following is a list of uniform which the children wear:

All children must have:

  • grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • white polo shirt or blouse
  • red school sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper
  • red and white checked or striped dress (for summer, optional)
  • plain grey, black or white socks
  • plain grey or black tights
  • a pair of  black sensible outdoor shoes/boots/trainers


On PE days all children will come into school in their PE kit. PE days may change due to availability of external coaches. From September 24 they are as follows:

Reception - Mon, Fri

Year 1 - Wed, Fri

Year 2 - Tue, Fri

Year 3 - Wed, Fri

Year 4 - Mon (swim), Thurs

Year 5 - Mon, Thurs 

Year 6  - Mon, Tues 

PE Kit consists pf black shorts, white t-shirt for indoor/summer PE, hoody/sweatshirt, black joggers/leggings for outdoor PE. Children need suitable trainers for outdoor use.  In the school hall, children may take part in PE lessons in bare feet, for safety.

PE hoodies are available to purchase from Wharfedale Uniforms,  

 *in Autumn term, Year Four will require swimming kit on Mondays.