Learning Me
Children take ownership of their learning, understanding
how they learn. They express their ideas and learn from
one another in a supportive learning community.
We demonstrate Learning Me through:
- A culture of continued professional development and curriculum leadership
- A strong Growth Mindset ethos
- Dialogic Teaching
- SEND provision - SEND and pupil premium pupils are supported through person centred plans—a live working document shared between staff and parents in which individual needs are reviewed and met.
- A professional development cycle
- A bespoke curriculum for the needs of our children.
- A maximising memory approach with a focus on knowledge retrieval
- An evidence based approach to teaching and learning.
- Collaboration with experts (Drama Connects and National Drama, Bradford Birth to 19 Dialogic Talk Partnership, DfE
English Hubs, Open University Research Rich Pedagogies RfP, Centre for Applied Educational Research - Challenge by choice employed in all year groups
- A balance of factual, conceptual, procedural and meta-cognitive questioning
- A rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum. This starts with phonics and reading (following Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised) as soon as children start school
in Reception, developing into the practical application of phonic knowledge, etymology and morphology as children move through KS2. - Inspiring children with their reading by providing a wide range of high quality texts
- Enrichment opportunities such as educational visits, residential visits, inviting specialists in to support learning, extra-curricular clubs