Virtual Chill Out Room
Below, you can access some of the guidance from Miss, Hughes, our school learning mentor.
Resources for downloading
Anger: Strategies for dealing with an angry brain
Friendship - Anyone can be my friend
Daily Happiness - Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Body Confidence - Even Fairies Need Glasses
Miss Hughes, and other staff in school, are available for one-to-one mental health and wellbeing support for children, which can be accessed through self, class or parent referral.
Staff can also provide advice and/or signposting,if you, as a parent would like to access support. Contact us using the whisper button above, or by emailing:
You can also contact your child's class teacher, through the class email accounts:
Friendship Terrace - Felix First
Friendship Terrace - Blurt Out Betty
Friendship Terrace - Rough Rupert
Friendship Terrace 4 - Miranda Mine
Friendship Terrace - Leave Out Leo